
Thrive: To grow or develop successfully, to flourish or succeed

Merriam-Webster Dictionary


Empower athletes to thrive in life and sport



Athlete Insight strongly values and promotes connections both within oneself as well as with others. Connections within oneself include understanding personal values, needs, and desires. Connections with others include developing supportive, nurturing, and validating relationships with trusted individuals.


Athlete Insight believes that no two stories are alike. Athlete insight honors each story and circumstance as unique to each client. Your story will be heard with curiosity, empathy, and compassion.

Athlete Insight honors individual values. You will be encouraged to live an authentic life congruent with your own values, needs, and ambitions.


Athlete Insight takes a strength-based approach to therapy and utilizes each client's inherent strengths to build a foundation for change. You will be empowered to build upon your natural strengths to develop new insights, skills, and knowledge. The result: A stronger, wiser, more confident, and more resilient you.


Athlete insight promotes overall health (emotional/psychological, physical, relational, and spiritual) and provides support and/or referrals as appropriate to address individual needs.


Athlete Insight values hope as one of the most critical aspects of individual growth and change. This practice is built upon hope for each individual's potential to thrive in life and sport. Athlete Insight will hold hope for you when hope seems to difficult to muster on your own.


Athlete Insight strongly believes in personal and professional integrity. Your individual needs will be met with integrity as a core value of this practice.


Athlete Insight values safety within the therapeutic relationship as a key ingredient for fostering change and growth. Establishing your personal safety during therapy sessions is a key initial objective for this practice.


Therapist-Client: Athlete Insight honors the importance of teamwork in the therapeutic relationship. You will be empowered to assert your needs and share your concerns throughout therapy. Athlete Insights recognizes that you are the expert on yourself and that the therapeutic relationships exists to help you navigate obstacles that interfere with your ability to thrive in life and sport.

Professional: Athlete Insight strongly values a professional team approach in certain circumstances. Athlete Insight leads your treatment team of professionals and coordinates care with confidence and experience.