Give up New Year's Resolutions to Thrive in 2015

By Kate Bennett, PsyD and Corrie Van Horne, RDN

With the new year comes a natural instinct to reflect, look back on the year that passed, and prepare for the year ahead. Often times, this process leads to new year’s resolutions: Lists of things that people want to accomplish to improve or change their lives. We would like to challenge the tradition of resolutions by making 2015 the year of new year’s intentions.

Resolutions are problematic because they focus on what people do not want in their lives (i.e. stop eating certain foods or get out of debt) and absolutes (i.e. lose a specific amount of weight or give up smoking instantly). The problem with focusing on you do not want in your life is that your brain hears what you do not want versus the negation of it. For example, if you think to yourself, I do not want to eat that chocolate cake at the party tonight, your brain is solely focused on the chocolate cake. As a result you cannot stop thinking about it, likely end up eating the cake, and ultimately feel bad about your “failure.” Absolutes, also known as all-or-nothing thinking, leave little room for flexibility or adaptability as life happens. Inevitably, when people create an absolute resolution, life happens (interferes with the rigidity of the desired change) and people give up. For example, if you decide to follow a certain diet in 2015 but then find yourself driving through New Mexico desert land, you are certain to feel anxious and defeated as you stop to order "bad" food. Why bother trying to improve your life if situations continue to interfere with the perfect pursuit of that new resolution?

Given that resolutions set people up for failure, we propose that you start 2015 off with intentions: Positive changes that you would like to pursue over the coming year. By focusing on what you want to happen, you are more likely to achieve it. Furthermore, intentions allow you to work towards a goal in small increments versus expect overnight success. This creates room for flexibility and adaptability while life happens and circumstances change.

Here are a few ideas for New Year’s Intentions that will help improve your happiness:

1. Make 2015 a year of gratitude. Over the past couple of years, gratitude has become an increasingly more popular topic of conversation in mainstream media and individual lives. There is good reason for it. Science links gratitude to happiness and well-being. If you want to improve your overall happiness, consider starting a daily gratitude journal. Commit to recording a few things that you are thankful for at some point each day. Remember, no matter how rotten the day, there is always something to be grateful for. Consider using this five year journal so that you can reflect back on past years as you maintain your journal over time.

2. Create time to connect authentically with others. As technology advances and social media increases in popularity, many people rely on texting, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to feel connected to others. While it is convenient to text a friend, enjoyable to peruse online pictures, and effortless to scroll through a Twitter feed, these activities tend to create more distance between friends than closeness. Set an intention to check-in weekly with friends or family members in-person or on the phone. You will be amazed by how much more satisfied you feel after spending an hour talking with a good friend compared to spending that same hour scrolling through Facebook.

3. Take up the practice of self-compassion. We live in a society that focuses on comparison and achievements to build respect and self-worth. The reality is that comparisons lead to negative self-talk and ultimately interfere with individual happiness, values, goals, and relationships. Rather than criticize yourself for another 365 days, commit to practicing self-compassion instead. Take time to engage in self-care (i.e. take a warm bath or go to bed early) when you are tired rather than force yourself to work late because a co-worker always seems one step ahead of you.

4. Look back to move ahead. Somewhere along the way, many of us learned that anything short of perfection is unacceptable and, worse, labels you as a failure. The reality is that nobody and nothing is perfect. In fact, the word imperfect spells “I’m Perfect.” Let 2015 become the year that you embrace both your strengths and weaknesses. Rather than constantly evaluate your flaws and search for areas of improvement, focus on your strengths and learn from your mistakes. Embrace mistakes as a learning opportunity. Great things come from those who are brave enough to identify what went wrong and use that information to try a second time (or third or fourth or fifth). Ask yourself, "What worked and what can I improve upon?"

5. Practice mindfulness daily. The eastern tradition of mindfulness and meditation is becoming an increasingly more mainstream practice and for a good reason: Too much distraction, comparison, criticism, and productivity takes away from the simple pleasures in life. When you slow your mind down, your awareness of the things right in front of you intensifies, the mind quiets, and contentment increases. Next time you notice yourself worrying, take a deep breath, figure out when you have time to address the problem (if you have not already done so), and let it go. Worrying every minute of the coming day will not solve the problem but it will interfere with happiness and satisfaction. Instead, focus on the friends and family right in front of you, enjoy the beautiful blue sky, or simply fall asleep. Let go and cherish the present moment.

If changing your relationship with food is the top priority for 2015, we encourage you to not focus on weight loss or restricting food intake but, rather, set intentions based on balance, variety, and moderation.

6. Slow down. While this can be difficult, it is important to slow down when it comes to planning, preparing, and eating food. When planning and preparing food, focus on what sounds good. Take time to plan meals and prepare the food while contemplating the gratitude that you feel for the food itself or other aspects of the food like nourishment, satisfaction, and possibly pleasure. When eating, take time to engage in all five senses, slowing down to enjoy and savor the textures, aromas, tastes, and visual aesthetic of your food.   

7. Trust. We all have an inner wisdom, that with practice and perseverance, we can become attuned to. Our bodies are designed to regulate themselves, let us know when they need nourishment, and indicate what type of nourishment they need. Take time to listen to your intuition in order to grow and develop trust in your body and to develop a more balanced relationship with food. Note: Slowing down will enhance your ability to respond intuitively to hunger and fullness cues and trust your body.

8. Engage. Meal time can be a time to be still, to rest, and also a time to connect. When sitting down for a meal or a snack, whether it is with others or alone, fully engage in the process. If the meal is shared with others try to focus on the conversation and connection. If you are eating alone, bring awareness to your senses and the feelings and thoughts that come up for you while eating. 

9. Nourish. Remember, food is a source of nourishment for the body and the connection that often happens at meal time is nourishment for the soul. Rather than focus on good or bad or right or wrong, take time to experience the nourishment of your body and soul, expressing the gratitude you may feel. 

Finally, remember that while the start of a new year is a convenient time to implement positive changes in your life, you can set intentions and bring them into practice any day of the year. The most important thing to do is to identify where you want to head and then create daily steps for leading you in that direction.

May 2015 bring you joy and happiness as you learn from the past and move towards the future.

Indomitable Will: The Key to Success

By Kate Bennett, PsyD

One of my personal goals is to run a marathon before I turn 40. Initially, I intended to put that goal off until I was about 39 years old. Well, as luck would have it, friends invited my husband and me to run the Steamboat Stinger trail marathon this summer. Always being up for adventure and not cycling competitively anymore, we instantly agreed.

During our long runs over the past few weeks, I frequently pondered the idea of willpower. Considering the fact that my longest run prior to June was 10k, it is not surprising that I continually assess how willing I am to dedicate myself to marathon training.  Willpower, after all, is essential for crossing the Steamboat Stinger finish line.

From the outside looking in, most people would deduce that I am a successful individual. Some might even consider me ‘lucky.’ While I agree that I am generally successful in several areas of life, I would say that I am far from ‘lucky.’ People who know me well would actually say that I am the opposite of lucky: I tend to be the person who inevitably has bad luck at inopportune times. For instance, my friends joked that I needed to be enclosed in bubble wrap because I crashed so frequently one season. Others might look at my resume and assume that I am naturally-talented or gifted. Again, I beg to differ. While I have a natural aptitude for academics and athletics, I was never the brightest student nor the best athlete. Instead, I was born with old-fashioned work ethic. From a young age, I intrinsically pushed myself to be my best, regardless of the outcome.

As I talk to clients about personal and athletic goals, I continually address the concepts of success (What does it mean to be successful? What if I fail? What if I do not like what I achieve?) and willpower (It makes me feel anxious. I am not sure this is worth it. How do I tolerate the discomfort associated with change? How do I maximize my efforts in sport?).

With these conversations in mind, in addition to many hours contemplating willpower during early morning trail runs, I created the following equation:

Values + Resiliency + Sacrifice + Willpower² = Increased Chances of Success


My goals (i.e. winning a national championship or earning a doctorate) very much represented my values and personal drive. I can guarantee that I would not have worked nearly as hard towards those goals if they were not significant and meaningful to me. At the end of any day, whether it be successful or disappointing, I could tell you exactly why and how my goals reflected my values. Being fully aware of that information made the toughest of days bearable.


I grew up riding ex-racehorses straight off the track. This means that I learned at a young age how to deal with failure and disappointment. Whether my horse acted up during a show or went lame, I was constantly managing emotions that most people avoid. Cycling was no different. I got dropped in more races then I won, I travelled cross country only to crash.

If I was not determined and committed to my goals, I would not have persevered through the hardest times in sport and life. There was no instant gratification in anything that I pursued. As a result, I learned how to cope with disappointment and move on. I now look at ‘failing’ as an opportunity to learn. While I would not choose to endure adversity, I certainly welcome it as an opportunity to grow personally and professionally.


In addition to tolerating disappointment, I willingly made sacrifices. From countless hours with frozen toes in Michigan barns to traveling everywhere with my bike, my goals were always reflected in my actions. Likewise, with graduate school, much of life was put on hold in order to earn my degree and create professional opportunities. Shortly after meeting my then boyfriend/now husband, I moved 1500 miles away from him to complete a one year pre-doctoral internship. Not only did I sacrifice meaningful time this increasingly more important person in my life but I also took a leap of faith trusting that it would all work out (and, it did!).


Knowing that accomplishments never came easy to me, I quickly learned about commitment, dedication, and determination. In order to achieve my personal and professional goals, I willingly put all of my effort towards obtaining them. At the end of the day, because I was so focused and committed to those goals, I endured discomfort and sacrifice in order to get one step closer to my goals.  My willpower was the result of knowing, deep-down in my heart, that taking a chance, putting myself out there, was worth it because my goals aligned with my values.

Even now, as I train for the marathon, setting out for a run at 6am before work is far from ideal for me. In fact, I would much rather be sleeping at that early hour. But, I know that in order to achieve my goal of completing a marathon, I need to train, regardless of the momentary dissatisfaction it creates. Likewise, tolerating the discomfort of tired muscles, sore bones, and blisters during a long, Sunday morning run will be worth it in the end to me. After eight weeks of training and three half-marathons, I am committed…100% committed.

(Note: Commitment does not mean perfection.)

Regardless of whether you are trying to win a national championship, recover from an eating disorder, or simply feel happier, willpower is a key ingredient. It takes indomitable will to stand up each time you fall down, to endure discomfort, and to take a chance…to truly put yourself on the line. It takes willingness to try and possibly fail. But, when you are willing to take a risk, great things can happen. And, when you succeed, the reward is incredibly sweet.

What are you willing to try this summer?

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Thrive into the Weekend (2.14.14)

By Kate Bennett, PsyD

[Thrive into the Weekend: A blog series designed to empower athletes to thrive in life and sport by encouraging intentional and mindful actions]

February 14 means that love is in the air, right? At the very least, we can conclude that the commercialization of Valentine’s Day creates the perception of love being in the air. However, people share and receive love in many different ways. That may or may not include flowers, chocolates, and stuffed animals. One of my favorite ways of connecting with people is to express gratitude. Thrive into the Weekend by expressing your gratitude to those that you hold dear in your heart. Watch the video below to inspire sentiments of gratitude within your important relationships. Take it one step further by daily identifying a few people, things, or experiences that you feel grateful over the coming week.