Maximize your Motivation

By Kate Bennett, PsyD

Motivation: The condition of being eager to act or work, a force or influence that creates action

Merriam Webster Online Dictionary

Between the Broncos AFC championship win and the unseasonably warm weather in Colorado, the past week created a natural platform for inspiration and excitement. Whether the positive energy led to purchasing plane tickets to NY for the Superbowl, eagerness to focus on the upcoming season, or courage for personal change, this is an opportune time to explore what inspires you as well as identify ways of enhancing your motivation.

Let’s start with the two types of motivation: Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Referring to the definition at the top of this post, the first description reflects intrinsic motivation: An internal force, need, or desire motivates action. The latter description defines extrinsic motivation: An external force, expectation, or situation motivates action. Progress and achievement result from a combination of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. To be truly successful (derive happiness, satisfaction, and fulfillment from your achievements), the primary desire to act must come from within. While extrinsic motivation may enhance an outcome, it will inevitably fall flat if you do not feel personally committed to the identified goal.

Take a moment to reflect on your personal and athletic goals. As you think about those goals, which ones are internally driven? Do you have goals that are externally motivated? How do external factors support and/or interfere with your values and ambitions?

Motivation is a key component for thriving in life and sport: It is important to know what inspires or excites you. Feeling unmotivated may be indicative of an imbalance between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Take a moment to ensure that your goals reflect individual values, needs, and desires. Once you feel personally invested in those goals, identify extrinsic sources of motivation that will enhance your efforts. For example, on a snowy winter day you may feel more (extrinsically) motivated by training with others. If nobody is available to train, select music that excites you or visualize yourself achieving your goals during the workout (intrinsic motivation). Progress and achievement result from intrinsically inspired goals enhanced by extrinsic factors.  Know your motivators to gain a mental edge and increase your chances of success this season.


Thrive into the Weekend (1.17.14)

By Kate Bennett, PsyD

So often, people read an article or blog post earlier in the week that inspires change but forget about that inspiration after a long week. Athlete Insight’s Thrive into the Weekend is an intentional blog series that strives to re-inspire as you head into the weekend. Through reflection and a mindful moment, Thrive into the Weekend reconnects you with personal and athletic intentions.

Earlier this week, I wrote about goal setting. Knowing that practice leads to behavioral change, take a moment to identify one or two goals for the weekend. Think about how those goals relate to your long-term (big picture) goals. Your weekend goals do not need to be complex or difficult. Instead, think about one or two things you can accomplish this weekend that support your big picture. Perhaps it is getting to bed earlier after a long week of training, improving refueling habits during or after a workout, or connecting with others. Slow down, take a deep breath, and identify what you can intentionally work on this weekend. Assuming you achieve your goals, you will carry that momentum into next week and will be one step closer to your long-term goals.

SMART Goals Lead to Fruition

By Kate Bennett, PsyD

Sunday was a big day in sports for Colorado athletes, teams, and fans: Katie Compton defended her tenth consecutive national cyclocross championship in Boulder while, down the road, Peyton Manning advanced in the playoffs for the first time in his career, taking the Broncos to the AFC championship. Between the enthusiasm of Dave Towle’s (cyclocross announcer) voice, the crowds at ‘cross nationals, and excitement for the Bronco’s win, motivation and eagerness for 2014 settled in and brought to mind the idea of goal setting. Feeling driven and motivated are essential components for success; however, without focus and commitment such traits may not lead in the direction you hope for.

Goal setting seems like a simple concept but actually takes serious consideration to increase your chances of success. Let’s start with the different types of goals: Outcome and process goals. Outcome goals, also known as long-term goals, focus on the big picture, the result or outcome you aspire to achieve. Process goals, sometimes thought of as short-term goals, build upon one another towards a more significant achievement. For example, if you identify a specific race or competition that you would like to win in 2014 (outcome goal), it is equally as important to identify specific actions that you will execute to build towards success (process goals).

Now that you are thinking about outcome and process goals, let’s focus on defining those goals. All goals, regardless of being process- or outcome-oriented, need to be SMART. The SMART acronym enables you to identify and evaluate important details of identified goals. Essentially, SMART goals set you up for success.

            S: Specific-Identify what you want to accomplish and how

            M: Measurable-Describe what you will measure and how

A: Achievable and Acceptable-Visualize yourself achieving the goal and set meaningful goals for yourself

R: Realistic-Identify goals that reflect your abilities and potential as well as challenge you

T: Time Sensitive-Create a timeline for your goal

Brainstorming is only the start of goal setting. Take time to write your goals down. This will not only clarify your identified goals but will also increase your level of commitment to those goals. If you want to commit yourself even further, share them with a coach, teammate, friend, or family member. Remember, your thoughts lead to your reality. The more time you spend developing SMART goals, the more likely it is that they will come to fruition.
